Dmitry Kroutov Music For Theatre


Music For Theatre Dmitry Kroutov

RUS            ENG

Dmitry Kroutov

Music For Theatre


Music for Theatr. Demo 
Music for Theatr. Reference 
Music for Theatr. Mail To 
Program interface 
Quick Start 
Playing order 
Automatic cancellation 
Multiple formulations 
Restart application 
Protecting applications and project 
Binding sound events to the replicas 
Change replica 
Changing audio 
Insert audio effects 
Changing time 
Text editing 
Routing audio 
Start-Stop options 
Adlibitum - load the choice 
Recycled Block 
Overriding audio devices 
Project Structure 
Hisntory files 
Hardware mixing 
Program does not start 
Protecting audio 
Basic parameters 


Automatic cancellation

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       It happens that the operator makes a mistake. It seems that remark came at a time, like stage action has not yet come to the right place. Sometimes the actors are specified. Therefore, the program of theatrical sound should be capable of quickly correcting the impact of late starts.

       The program of Music for Theater every second run of the same replica is treated as an act of cancellation. You can run the event, realize that hastened, and then press the space bar a second time.

       Cancellation involves the following:

If the effect of changing the parameters, they are fast, but gradually will be returned to the starting position. If the action starts the sound, then its volume gradually drops to zero. If the action must stop sounding, then its volume will be gradually restored.

       This mechanism is very flexible. You must work out in his start to feel confident that the correction of erroneous start happening very soft. (for this purpose would be useful to download the demo examples)

       Moreover, if during the lifting again, pressing the spacebar, the program recognizes it as the need to fully implement actions, and they will be smoothly implemented. Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009

Automatic cancellation

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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010

Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010

Main Site - Theatre(rus), Autor music(rus), Programming(rus), Photography(rus). Autor's music for theatre (rus). Photosessions (rus site) Free program Oxford Across (rus) - study english words. Program Music For the Theatre - creates a soundtrack to the performances.  Compose music for theatre actions. Krasnoyarsk - SHGES (rus), St-Peterburg. studio photoshoot (rus), Wedding Photographers (rus), photography kindergarten. Love story in photos (rus) . Irina Bezrukova - professional photographer, journalist, collaborating with many newspapers and magazines in Krasnoyarsk:  Arguments and Facts (A&F, rus) , Komsomolskaya Pravda, Names and Faces (rus), Agro-Siberia, Forensic (rus). Photo archive of unique events that took place in Krasnoyarsk (rus)



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