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This program is designed theater sound engineer and is designed to play audio scores during performances. It combines the features of the programs of three different classes: a text editor, sequencer and the player. When creating the program take into account the fine specificity of theatrical practice. For example, it allows you to quickly switch to the playback of audio tracks that are specific to different artists, can safely go to any point in the sound score, to play for time and react quickly to unforeseen circumstances that sometimes arise at the stage. Sound processing in real time allows for a wide range of effects, the implementation of which is attached to the replicas of the play. All effects are based on 32-bit floating point. Changes in the project are made very quickly, and it helps to perpetuate the positive experience gained during rehearsals and performances. During the performance the operator will need time to press only one key on the keyboard, not worrying about the number of automatic mixing and precision of parameter setting effects. In addition, the program allows a number of rare effects that are not easy by other means. In particular, this lively mix (LiveMix), when multiple audio tracks directly reduced during the performance. Number of WDM-supported sound cards unlimited. Each sound can be played on any audio device that is installed in the system. Number of simultaneously sounding audio streams limited to the number 32, and with an excess cover any presentable requirements theatrical practice. | Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009 |
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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010 |
Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010 |
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Autor's music for theatre (rus).