Adlibitum - load of choice. |
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In the topic for 'Multiple of performers' have described a mechanism that allows multiple versions of multimedia files in the block. Here we consider the work of this mechanism in detail First of all, in this session that will sound file, which you choose, ie, frame by frame which will be marked in red. Each frame with a description of the file contains the following fields: 1 - File name 2 - You can change the description of the file and make it such that the conflict of choice were more understandable. Use double-click on the labels to edit it. 3 - player. Allows you to file audited publicly, in the portal system and is hidden in the host devices monitoring. The player has a slider that allows you to set the desired position of the playback file. 4 - Option file protection. Audio file from a folder will be added in a special encrypted vault, after which it could be reproduced only in the draft program of music for theater. Protected file will be deleted. 5 - If this option is set more than one file from one block of commands, then every time you load the project you will be forced to make a choice - which of the possible files will be heard in this session. 6 - The shape of the wave forms allow you to quickly understand what the contents of the file. This is sort of a graphic replica of the audio. It is always sound completely - from beginning to end. | Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009 |
Adlibitum - load of choice. |
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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010 |
Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010 |
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