Changing replica |
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Replicas can be changed arbitrarily, printing and deleting text, inserting it from the clipboard. Any action on the text, which is located within the highlighted blue replica of the text will lead to change it. However, if the length of the replica suddenly becomes equal to zero, then you get the message, as discussed in the topic for above: In this case, all events that are in line event table will be removed if you continue and select Yes. This in turn may lead to the following consequences. Be careful:
In order to better feel how the program works, I recommend to train in one of the demo examples, the changes that are associated with the behavior of sound objects are clear and predictable. It often happens that a replica must move in the text. To do this, select some text and drag it with the mouse to a new location. If part of the replica, or even a few remarks came in a selection, you will see the following message:
Here you can specify: whether you want the program to automatically generate a new replica of the new replica of the form {N e w replic} which will insert commands from the old replica, or you want to move the text, with text and attachment commands. And of course, you can undo these actions if doubted. If you drag the text from the replicas using the mouse on the already marked a replica, the program will treat this as an attempt to transfer all the commands from the old to the new replica. Here is the situation before drag: situation after drag: If you choose "Move the team to the new replica", then both teams will be on one line in the table, and the text would be unchanged: Both actions are considered, too, can lead to the removal of other comands: We see that the tug {third replic} (1) in the {First replic} lead to the string table 002 events aligned with the line 000 (1). Thus the effect of line 001 will be deleted, because it would be beyond the beginning and end of sound, and the end of the sound, mingled with the event start, will lead to the fact that all the sound events will merge into one: Just as pulling the text, we change the structure of sound events, we can clone the sound events, if we hold down the Ctrl key while moving the text. This operation dragged text will be duplicated, and with it will be copied to the replica, and they will be tied up events. By copying is defined as complete duplication of all the initial parameters. This operation, also includes restrictions, such as those discussed above. If cloning will lead the team to ensure that there will be no end of sound events, or effects will be located outside of their beginnings and endings, these sequences are truncated by the same principles: a fish without a head - not waving its tail. Abdomen outside of the head and tail - is eaten steak ... Additional options To simplify the routine operations of the table and replicas are several options that are always available in the main window: If you select some text and execute this option, the current row in the table of events will be tied to the new allocation of the text. Please note that this is possible restructuring of the table. After the operation: This option is used to highlight the current replica and to adhere to the new one only the current command in the table (it is always highlighted by a red border). After the operation: Figures show that since the option of a table has been rebuilt. Current team, denoted by a red border is now tied to the New replica and the second team (now it is in line 003 of the table) is still tied to the old. This option creates a complete duplicate of all the commands that are part of the sequence, which includes the current command, and links them to the same replicas as the original. After the operation: The figure shows that after the option "duplicate" in the table appeared a complete copy of the chain of commands. Copying also includes the effects adlibitum list, history list, markers and other individual parameters. | Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009 |
Changing replica |
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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010 |
Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010 |
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