Dmitry Kroutov Music For Theatre


Music For Theatre Dmitry Kroutov

RUS            ENG

Dmitry Kroutov

Music For Theatre


Music for Theatr. Demo 
Music for Theatr. Reference 
Music for Theatr. Mail To 
Program interface 
Quick Start 
Playing order 
Automatic cancellation 
Multiple formulations 
Restart application 
Protecting applications and project 
Binding sound events to the replicas 
Change replica 
Changing audio 
Insert audio effects 
Changing time 
Text editing 
Routing audio 
Start-Stop options 
Adlibitum - load the choice 
Recycled Block 
Overriding audio devices 
Project Structure 
Hisntory files 
Hardware mixing 
Program does not start 
Protecting audio 
Basic parameters 


Working with bookmarks

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Bookmarks - this visual objects that simplify the navigation on the text of his play.

The program is supported by four classes, which allow to group bookmarks:

Training, Testing, rehearsal and performance. In addition to this separate class are all images that are inserted in the text of his play:


Toolbar Bookmarks is located in the same place as the panel "Appearance." The figure shows how images are linked to each class of bookmarks. It is understood that in the category "Prepare" includes all actions that are associated with the definition of integrity of the sound path. Since the multichannel program, you must embed in every project means test channel audio. This approach will spare the majority of troubles connected to the lack of sound in a performance or rehearsal.

Definition of a "Tests" is listening to some of the settings of the project. There will always be places that you would try to listen to the show once again to make sure that they are configured correctly.

Category "Repetition" - is a repetition of rooms with the actors before the performance. As a rule of times in just repeated the same points - plastic sketches, vokalnye numbers, permutations, and so on.

Category Action - strictly speaking should not be invoked after the date of the performance. This category is used only during the rehearsal process, when his play is run parts. Director may warn you that some scenes of the rehearsals will be skipped, and you in turn can create bookmarks that will quickly move to the right place his play.

       The purpose of graphics is more detailed documentation of the individual, it is difficult ineffable moments of his play. When you create a favorite program of music for theater selection dialog displays a graphic file, and if the format of graphics can be opened, then the bookmark will be created.

       Bookmarks should not be much - in each of his play a limited number of plastic sketches, dances and permutations that need to be repeated before every performance. And yet, bookmarks will instantly find the desired place in his play.

       While editing his play should be remembered that all of your bookmarks - this is protected objects, and if you try to edit the text, or change the font style for the allocation, which affects the tab, then the editor will not allow you to do this.

       In addition, if you place the cursor in the body text of a bookmark, the editor will not allow you to create a bookmark in this place. Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009

Working with bookmarks

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Rambler's Top100

Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010

Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010

Main Site - Theatre(rus), Autor music(rus), Programming(rus), Photography(rus). Autor's music for theatre (rus). Photosessions (rus site) Free program Oxford Across (rus) - study english words. Program Music For the Theatre - creates a soundtrack to the performances.  Compose music for theatre actions. Krasnoyarsk - SHGES (rus), St-Peterburg. studio photoshoot (rus), Wedding Photographers (rus), photography kindergarten. Love story in photos (rus) . Irina Bezrukova - professional photographer, journalist, collaborating with many newspapers and magazines in Krasnoyarsk:  Arguments and Facts (A&F, rus) , Komsomolskaya Pravda, Names and Faces (rus), Agro-Siberia, Forensic (rus). Photo archive of unique events that took place in Krasnoyarsk (rus)



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