Dmitry Kroutov Music For Theatre


Music For Theatre Dmitry Kroutov

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Dmitry Kroutov

Music For Theatre


Music for Theatr. Demo 
Music for Theatr. Reference 
Music for Theatr. Mail To 
Program interface 
Quick Start 
Playing order 
Automatic cancellation 
Multiple formulations 
Restart application 
Protecting applications and project 
Binding sound events to the replicas 
Change replica 
Changing audio 
Insert audio effects 
Changing time 
Text editing 
Routing audio 
Start-Stop options 
Adlibitum - load the choice 
Recycled Block 
Overriding audio devices 
Project Structure 
Hisntory files 
Hardware mixing 
Program does not start 
Protecting audio 
Basic parameters 



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       Program of music for theater always correctly determine the actual number of exits, which has a sound device. However, in Windows sound devices are typically configured in such a way as to provide those outputs that are actually connected. For example, if the USERS choose "headphones" as the basic scheme, when you try to route to any channels, the sound will actually take place only through the Front-left and the Front-right

       For successful routing program music for theater to install such a scheme, which uses the maximum number of outputs. Of the common standard patterns that can be 5.1 and 7.1.

       If the sound card has a greater number of audio outputs than in the scheme, the message of sound on the unused channels in the scheme will lead to the fact that the sound will be sent to the channels that are involved in the scheme.

       Routing is closely connected with the functioning of the hardware and driver. Therefore, in each case to check routing capabilities. For example, integrated sound, which is controlled by IDT Audio, has a nonremovable singularity penetration of audio channels. Such devices can be used only as a single stereo pair, or monitoring devices.

       Also long known feature of the sound card SBLive, where the rear and front dynamics are reversed.

There are also multi-channel sound cards, WDM-driver, which provides only one stereo output.

       Try to adhere to the following rules to circumvent the possible pitfalls:

1. Do not use the route until such time until the project gets on the computer from which the sound is fed into the auditorium. The program by default sends all the sounds on the front exits the device, which is scheduled in the main to play sound. So when you transfer from computer to computer, you may need to change only one device.

2. When working with the final version of the draft on a computer in the auditorium is not used to route those outputs that have hardware penetration in other channels.

3. Define once and do not change the scheme of audio outputs for each device (headphones, loudspeakers Quad, scheme 5.1 or 7.1) Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009


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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010

Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010

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