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In the topic for "Playing order" have been described algorithms play events. Three start-stop option used algoritom play. By default, all of which are set to 1 second, and exposed the program interface with an accuracy of one millisecond. Let us examine them individually. Normal slide - this time during which the sound dies down, when the command is executed RACORD. If you need to dramatically cut the sound, then simply put this option in a small value (eg 20 milliseconds). Slide errors - used in cases where the project is already running the sound and stage action requiring the operator to miss cues, in which these sounds are muffled. In this case, they will be silenced during the time specified in the parameter Slide errors. Slide undo - this time, which is used in the algorithm play multiple launches of the same row in the table of events. In the ingredients of such action arises, if the operator at the time of launch events realized that a replica has not yet begun, and he wants to cancel by pressing the action has already begun. Here, the time during which the sound is muted and restored depends on the same parameter. About Slide undo must mention. Since the abolition of the fading sound is possible only during the time of its extinction, then setting this parameter to too small a value did not allow the use of cancellation to cancel the action, which is in the process of attenuation. Since the human reaction time is approximately equal to one second, for most cases, this option is useful to keep this what it is by default (1 sec). Start-stop settings will be closed in cases where the volume is set on the parameter change in the pseudo-effect of Main parameters. The extent to which limited start-stop settings are 20 milliseconds for the shortest possible slides and 10 seconds for the longest. | Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009 |
Start-Stop options |
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Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010 |
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