Dmitry Kroutov Music For Theatre


Music For Theatre Dmitry Kroutov

RUS            ENG

Dmitry Kroutov

Music For Theatre


Music for Theatr. Demo 
Music for Theatr. Reference 
Music for Theatr. Mail To 
Program interface 
Quick Start 
Playing order 
Automatic cancellation 
Multiple formulations 
Restart application 
Protecting applications and project 
Binding sound events to the replicas 
Change replica 
Changing audio 
Insert audio effects 
Changing time 
Text editing 
Routing audio 
Start-Stop options 
Adlibitum - load the choice 
Recycled Block 
Overriding audio devices 
Project Structure 
Hisntory files 
Hardware mixing 
Program does not start 
Protecting audio 
Basic parameters 


Binding sound events to the text of remarks

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       In the Quick Start already shows how to create sound events and tied to the replica of the text. Here we consider these same issues more broadly.

       If the project already has a replica of affection sound events, then within this replica is sufficient to allocate only a portion of text to a new event is also triggered by the same remark:


The figure shows that the allocation of only partial replica of notes (1), which is tied to the end of the event sound (2), and that the option "Link file" is in progress (3). Once the file is opened, the string table 001 events (3) will contain already two steps:


We solve now the inverse problem: redefine the replica for only one team. In the figure below we see the selected command (2), and the selected text of the new replica (1). It remains only to fulfill the option "Link command (3):


And after the operation, the project will take the form:

Step "Link command" works with replicas at the level of individual commands and allows you to arbitrarily modify the structure of the project.

To change a replica to a whole row of events uses the effect of "Change replica",

which placed it higher than the action "Link command".

Both teams are considered some of the features that must be taken into account in their application.

If in the process of changing the replica will be the beginning of the sound after it, the program will automatically correct this situation. As well as the text has one direction in which it is read, and act as his play goes in one direction only, and also events at the beginning and end of sound always follow each other.
If in the process of changing the replica event "effect" would be beyond the beginning and end of sound, then you will see the message:


        Choose Yes, only if you are well imagine what the objects at the moment were outside the limits of their beginnings and endings. Choose No, to cancel, make sure that no unnecessary objects do not suffer, and try again.

       The above message will appear every time during the editing of one or more objects are threatened removal. And every time you select No, you can safely withdraw from the situation, if not quite imagine its outcome. Copyrigth ©Kroutov 2009

Binding sound events to the text of remarks

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Site design - Dmitry Kroutov Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Kroutov © 2010

Photography, text editing Irina Bezrukova Krasnoyarsk St-Peterburg Bezrukova © 2010

Main Site - Theatre(rus), Autor music(rus), Programming(rus), Photography(rus). Autor's music for theatre (rus). Photosessions (rus site) Free program Oxford Across (rus) - study english words. Program Music For the Theatre - creates a soundtrack to the performances.  Compose music for theatre actions. Krasnoyarsk - SHGES (rus), St-Peterburg. studio photoshoot (rus), Wedding Photographers (rus), photography kindergarten. Love story in photos (rus) . Irina Bezrukova - professional photographer, journalist, collaborating with many newspapers and magazines in Krasnoyarsk:  Arguments and Facts (A&F, rus) , Komsomolskaya Pravda, Names and Faces (rus), Agro-Siberia, Forensic (rus). Photo archive of unique events that took place in Krasnoyarsk (rus)



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